Saturday, October 29, 2005


The System has encountered some data integrity errors...

Crispix Mix® Sweet Minglers

Ingredients 1 package (6 oz., 1 cup) semi-sweet chocolate morsels
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup peanuts (optional)
6 cups Kellogg's® Crispix® cereal
1 cup powdered sugar

1. In large microwave safe bowl, melt chocolate at HIGH 1 minute. Stir and
heat 30 seconds longer at HIGH or until melted when stirred. Stir in peanut
butter and peanuts. Gently stir in KELLOGG'S CRISPIX cereal, until evenly

2. Place powdered sugar in 2-gallon zipper-type plastic bag. Add coated cereal to
sugar and close bag. Gently toss cereal mixture until evenly coated. Store in airtight
container in refrigerator. Yield: 16 servings

Microwave cooking times may vary.



Melt chocolate over low heat, stirring constantly until melted. Remove from heat.
Stir in peanut butter and peanuts. Pour mixture over cereal in large mixing bowl.
Gently stir until evenly coated. Follow step 2 above.

Funnies !

Hmmm...another Bwahahaha !!!

Friday, October 28, 2005


: Also called "italian squash" and "courgettes". Zucchini are summer squash
(skin and flesh are both edible) and are best purchased at eight inches in
length or shorter. Longer zucchini tend to have formed harder seeds and are
recommended for stuffing.

Bart Simpson

If I do something bad and there's no one there catch me,
does that make me good ?..dude..

From Beyond The Stars

We are proud to announce a new and improved
version of this much loved favourite

Thursday, October 27, 2005


‘‘Our third law is spontaneity,
and despite all appearances of beginning and end,
despite all appearance of death and decay,
all consciousness exists in the spacious present,
in a spontaneous manner, in simultaneous harmony,
and yet within the spacious present there is durability.’’

[session 44, p. 14]

James Blunt

James Blunt’s family have served in one kind of army
or another since 995A.D. A long line of warriors.

Savages really. Not a musical bone in any one of their bodies.
The only music he heard growing up was “Happy Birthday” and “Silent Night”.
His father considered all music, even classical, to be unnecessary noise.

Although James was not one to rock the family boat,
he didn’t really think he was going to join the army –
it sort of crept up on him. Plus his family didn’t have a boat.

Aged fourteen he just held the teenage conviction that
he would have an interesting life – maybe that’s why he picked the guitar?
Then again, maybe if he hadn’t, he would have tripped over it.

He went to University and studied Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering
and Sociology, spending most lectures asleep on the floor at the back.
In much the same way, he ended up in the army.

In essence, one day he was sleeping off a hangover at the back of
a sociology lecture hall and the next thing he knew he was in Kosovo
with a gun and a guitar strapped to the side of a tank,
wondering who he could possibly sleep with to get out of this war.

To break up the super attenuated monotony,
James would sometimes stroll through Serb villages wearing
an East German cap singing, “All we are saying is give peace a chance”.
“We were peace-keepers at that point,” he explained, shrugging helplessly.

So how did the music get into him, you might ask? Well if you were sent to
boarding school aged seven, studied Engineering by mistake
(“I thought we were going to fly planes, but we just pulled
metals apart – the brochure was very misleading.”),

joined the army by default, guarded The Queen,
buried The Queen Mother and pranced around London
like a tit for Japanese tourists to photograph,
what you’re going to want to do very much after that,
besides getting stoned and laid, is put your gun down,
pick up a guitar and make an album in America with Linda Perry.

So James came to Los Angeles in September 2003 to record with
Tom Rothrock et al. At night he’d go to bars, bringing with him
his valuable British accent (in the U.K., too posh for some people
– in LA, the best thing she’d heard all night) and the fact that
like 50 Cent he’d been shot at numerous times, but unlike the Cent,
had dodged the bullets.

One song, “Goodbye My Lover”,
was recorded in his landladies’ bathroom
(“She was a frequenter of mental hospitals and in general,
a freak – but pleasant”) where, naturally, she kept a piano.

From birth in a military hospital in Tidworth, to Harrow School,
to Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering, to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst,
to The Household Cavalry, to Kosovo, to Buckingham Palace,

to a recording studio in Los Angeles. How did James get from there to here?
Only James Blunt’s hairdresser knows for certain, and either he isn’t talking
or James cuts his own hair, and it’s up to you to join the dots –
there are ten of them on the album.

Written by The Landlady

malangnya mat rempit........

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Wilma crosses Florida.

Wilma still causing headaches for travelers


Google provides peek at classified ad service

Gary Bloom.

Being a CEO involves distractions that kept me
from focusing on customers and product.

VC & President of Symantec

David Stanton.C&W.

Organizations taking the MPLS
route need to think beyond costs.


Victor Szcerba.

If you're the core manufacturer there's so much
to be gained from gaining visibility into the supply chain.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Frozen cherry beautiful

Sweet & Chill naturally ..doll..

Earth's Beauty

Isnt it cute?!


Dear readers, I juz received this Email from frenz stories in malay word..

Teringat pesan ayahanda...

"Sudahkah di Qada' Solat yang lepas-lepas? Jika tidak ingat, gantikanlah
dengan mengira berapa usia kita sekarang ditolak kira-kira 10 tahun dari
mula akil baligh kita..." Subhanallah, betapa alpa nya kami...
Sesungguhnya Engkau maha penerima taubat...

Peringatan buat diriku yang sering lupa........

Adakah kita seorang Islam???? Pernahkah kita terfikir... Hidup kita ini
hanyalah sementara. Sampai masanya kita akan pergi menemui Allah. Apakah
bekalan dan persediaan kita menempuh hari kematian. Dalam kita mengejar
kejayaan dunia, kita sering lupa bahawa tujuan hidup kita yang sebenar..
apakah pilihan kita? Beruntunglah orang-orang yang berebut-rebut menagih
ihsan dan kasih sayang Allah. Sesungguhnya keredhaan Allah yang kita cari.
Dunia yang semakin tua ini sering dilanda masalah, bermula daripada
jerebu, kegawatan

ekonomi, timbul pula gejala murtad... Fitnah.. gempa bumi, peperangan

dan bermacam-macam lagi. Ini sebenarnya adalah ujian Allah kepada kita.
Adakah kita benar-benar menginsafinya. Semua ini juga adalah bala!! Tanda
kemurkaan Allah !! Adakah kita benar-benar seorang Islam???? Maka, adakah
kita fikir bahawa kejayaan kita di Universiti dapat membawa kita ke
Syurga?Adakah kita fikir bahawa kejayaan kita adalah kerana usaha dan
ikhtiar anda sendiri. Tidak malukah kita mengaku diri kita hebat, bijak,
rajin ... walhal semuanya adalah kurnia Allah. Segala kelebihan yang ada
pada kita adalah datangnya dari Allah. Apakah kita fikir Allah itu akan
menyukai hambaNya yang tidak bersyukur. Adakah kita yakin kita seorang

Sedangkan Rabiatul Adawiyah tidak mahu melupakan Allah walau sedetik
sekalipun. Hassan Al-Basri pula menangis sampai berjujuran airmata kerana
menyesal melupai Allah dalam beberapa minit. Tetapi, mengapa kita masih
leka di buai perasaan...

Tidakkah kita berasa rugi kerana kurang berzikir kepada Allah..

Tidakkah kita berasa rugi kerana kurang berselawat kepada Rasulullah...

Siapa diri kita sebenarnya!!!! Firaun???

Tentu tidak.. jadi, siapa kita sebenarnya, wahai manusia yang berasal dari
sekepal tanah yang hina!!!! Apakah kita yakin kita bertuhankan Allah????

Maka, mengapa kita tidak mahu mengejar Dia... Mengapa kita masih
mendedahkan aurat?. Mengapa kita masih tidak mahu menuntut ilmu.

Syariat,Tariqat, Hakikat, dan Makrifat. Feqah dan Tasauf... Dapatkah kita
menghuraikan cabang-cabang ilmu tersebut.. Tidak malukah kita kerana gagal
menghuraikannya, jauh dari mengamalkannya. Adakah kita harus
mempersalahkan puak-puak kristian yang berjaya memurtadkan ribuan umat
Islam jika kita sendiri gagal memperhebatkan pertahanan diri.

Ketahuilah... sesungguhnya Iblis itu amat suka kepada mereka yang

tidak berilmu .. Sedarilah bahawa, kejahilan boleh menyebabkan dosa.

Kita tidak takut dosa.Berapa banyak amalan kita yang boleh menghapuskan
dosa seharian??? Apakah kita begitu yakin untuk menempuh akhirat????
Siapakah kita menjelang hari kematian? Adakah kita seorang Islam.
Bersediakah kita berhadapan dengan malaikat maut. Apakah kita merasakan
diri kita terlalu mulia sehingga tidak ada daya untuk menjauhkan diri dari
perbuatan mungkar.

Kita pergi kuliah, pergi kerja ** kita yakin kita telah menutup aurat?
Kita solat ... ** kita yakin solat kita tidak tercela?

Kita makan ... ** kita yakin rezeki yang kita jamah diredhai Allah?

Kita minum ... ** kita yakin di akhirat kelak kita akan dapat minum
seperti yang kita minum sekarang?

Kita ketawa ... ** kita tidak malu pada Allah?

Kita cemerlang dalam SPM,PASCAL, LOGIK, TITAS,C++, ...

* kita yakin semua itu dapat membantun kita menjelangnya fitnah kubur?

Kita berpuasa ** kita yakin puasa kita mulia sehingga dapat membela kita
di hari akhirat?

Kita sihat ... ** kita yakin Allah muliakan kita?

Kita sakit ... ** kita tidak malu pada Allah kerana menarik balik nikmat

Siapa Kita????

Kita adalah manusia yang berasal dari sekepal tanah yang hina dina..
betapa hinanya kita... tapi, kita masih mampu tersenyum dan tertawa.
Bersedialah menempuh hari selepas kematian, bersedialah untuk menempuh
sakaratul maut. Burulah cinta ALLAH, sebelum Allah menutup pintu

Sesungguhnya kematian itu adalah sesuatu yang PASTI......!!!!

Siapa kita....????

Wallahu'alam - JKIM :

ibu utama

A) Nabi S.A.W bersabda yang bermaksud :

Ada 4 di pandang sebagai ibu iaitu:

1 ) Ibu dari segala UBAT adalah SEDIKIT MAKAN.

2 ) Ibu dari segala ADAB adalah SEDIKIT BERCAKAP.

3 ) Ibu dari segala IBADAT adalah TAKUT BUAT DOSA.

4 ) Ibu dari segala CITA CITA adalah SABAR

B) Berpesan-pesanlah kepada kebenaran dan Kesabaran.

C) Beberapa kata renungan dari Qur'an :

Orang yang tidak melakukan sholat pada :

Subuh : Dijauhkan cahaya muka yang bersinar

Zhuhur : Tidak diberikan berkah dalam rezekinya

Asar : Dijauhkan dari kesihatan / kekuatan

Maghrib : Tidak diberi santunan oleh anak-anaknya.

Isya' : Dijauhkan kedamaian dalam tidurnyaAl-Quran:

Sembahyanglah sebelum kau disembahyangkan oleh orang lain.

Sekarang anda mempunyai 2 pilihan :

1. Biarkan E-mail ini tetap dalam mailbox anda.

2. Forward E-mail ini ke sejumlah orang yang anda kenal dan

InsyAllah redha Allah akan dianugerahkan kepada setiap orang yang anda

Verse 30,An-Najm.

That Is What They Could Reach Of Knowledge...

Takutnya sempat ke kita nie

Dear readers, I juz received this Email from frenz stories in malay word..

a) Mengikut hadith umat Rasulullah akan hidup selama 1500 tahun...
sekarang sudah 1439 = 1426 + 13 tahun hijrah... daripada ini kita
ketahui kita akan bertahan dalam masa 61 tahun lagi.. Jikalau ini benar,
bumi akan kiamat pada tahun 2066

b) Saintis telah menjumpai sebuah planet yang lebih kecil daripada bumi
yang menghala ke bumi.. Ia telah dianggarkan bahawa planet itu akan
melanggar bumi pada tahun 2014. Amerika akan cuba untuk menukarkan
orbitnya dengan menembaknya dengan sebuah roket... Dan saintis juga
telah menjumpai sebuah planet yang juga akan menghentam bumi...
Ia dianggarkan akan melanggar bumi dalam masa 60 tahun lagi.. Dan planet
ini lebih besar daripada bumi... Jikalau ini benar, dunia akan musnah
pada tahun 2065....

c) Dan dikatakan kuasa Israel akan mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 2007...
Dan kuasanya akan jatuh semula dalam 14 tahun, iaitu tahun 2022,
disebabkan oleh penurunan semula Nabi Isa... . Dan hadith mengatakan
bahawa Nabi Isa hanya akan hidup selama 40 tahun dan dunia akan kiamat
pada hari Nabi Isa wafat.. Jikalau ini benar dunia akan kiamat pada
tahun 2062... .

Dianggarkan Bumi Akan Kiamat Antara Tahun 2062-2066.... Wallahu'alam...
Semua ini telah dikaji... Dan yang dipercayai paling tepat ialah hadith
yang mengatakan bahawa umat Rasulullah akan bertahan selama 1500
tahun... Kita telah berada di bumi ini selama 1439 tahun... Cubalah anda
kirakan sendiri...

Beribadatlah wahai umat-umat Islam sekalian... Sampaikanlah mesej ini
kepada semua kenalan Islam anda... Semoga saudara-saudari sekalian akan
mendapat rahmat ALLAH S.W.T... .

Sunday, October 23, 2005

"This is not the end."

"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end.
But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

Speech given at the Lord Mayor's Luncheon,
Mansion House, London, November 10, 1942.

Erich Fromm

"Let your mind start a journey thru a strange new world.
Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before.
Let your soul take you where you long to be
...Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar,
and you'll live as you've never lived before."

Friday, October 21, 2005

G 4

Get Your Number

Oh damn
The club 'bout to close in a minute
Can I get your number baby
So you and I can go get in it
Let me come and pick you up
And go take you out
Can I get your number baby
So I can show you what I'm all about
What I'm all about

I've been checkin' you out
And I noticed that you ain't just one of the crowd
So tell me won't you
Come on and see about me baby
I've got the Crys on ice and I'm 'bout to get nice
Up in VIP with all my ladies
Tell me how many times in your life
Will you get an opportunity like this tonight
Tell me a little somethin' about you
Here's a little somethin' about me
I got a house in Capri and my own G4
And that Benz with the doors that life up from the floor

Oh damn
The club 'bout to close in a minute
Can I get your number baby
So you and I can go get in it
Let me come and pick you up
And go take you out
Can I get your number baby
So I can show you what I'm all about
What I'm all about

Now that you're sitting next to me
I bet you're wondering
What my intentions are for you
And I to get into
Baby I just wanna
Hug and kiss and love ya
Look into my eyes baby don't be shy
Is it yes or no
We ain't got all night
Tell me how many times in your life
Will you get an opportunity like this tonight
Tell me a little somethin' about you
Here's a little somethin' about me
I gotta PIP penthouse with a sick hot tub
We can watch the flat screen
While the bubbles fill it up

Oh damn
The club 'bout to close in a minute
Can I get your number baby
So you and I can go get in it
Let me come and pick you up
And go take you out
Can I get your number baby
So I can show you what I'm all about
What I'm all about

La, la, la, la, la, la

By Mariah Carey feat. Jermaine Dupri.

Failure...Im feeling lucky !

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Secret Garden

She'll let you in her house
If you come knockin' late at night
She'll let you in her mouth
If the words you say are right
If you pay the price
She'll let you deep inside
But there's a secret garden she hides
She'll let you in her car
To go drivin' round
She'll let you into the parts of herself
That'll bring you down
She'll let you in her heart
If you got a hammer and a vise
But into her secret garden, don't think twice
You've gone a million miles
How far'd you get
To that place where you can't remember
And you can't forget
She'll lead you down a path
There'll be tenderness in the air
She'll let you come just far enough
So you know she's really there
She'll look at you and smile
And her eyes will say
She's got a secret garden
Where everything you want
Where everything you need
Will always stay
A million miles away

By Bruce Springsteen

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The sound of local music


Diamonds From Sierra Leone

Diamonds are forever
They're all I need to please me
They can't stimulate or tease me
They won't leave in the night
Have no fear that they might
Desert me

"Diamonds are forever forever forever"
Throw ya diamonds in the sky
If you feel the vibe
"Diamonds are forever forever forever"
The ROC is still alive
Everytime I rhyme
"Forever and ever!"
For ever ever? for ever ever? ever ever?
Ever ever? ever ever? ever ever? ever ever?

[Verse 1]
Good Morning, this ain't Vietnam still
People lose hands, legs, arms for real
Little was known of Sierra Leone
And how it connect to the diamonds we own
When I speak of Diamonds in this song
I ain't talkin bout the ones that be glown
I'm talkin bout Rocafella, my home, my chain
These ain't conflict diamonds,is they Jacob? don't lie to me
See, a part of me sayin' keep shinin',
How? when I know of the blood diamonds
Though it's thousands of miles away
Sierra Leone connect to what we go through today
Over here, its a drug trade, we die from drugs
Over there, they die from what we buy from drugs
The diamonds, the chains, the bracelets, the charmses
I thought my Jesus Piece was so harmless
'til I seen a picture of a shorty armless
And here's the conflict
It's in a black person's soul to rock that gold
Spend ya whole life tryna get that ice
On a polar rugby it look so nice
How could somethin' so wrong make me feel so right, right?
'fore I beat myself up like Ike
You could still throw ya Rocafella diamond tonight, 'cause


[Verse 2]
[Kanye From Original Song]
People askin' me is I'm gon' give my chain back (uh)
That'll be the same day I give the game back (uh)
You know the next question dog 'yo, where Dame at?'(uh)
This track the Indian dance to bring our reign back (whoo!)
'wassup wit you a Jay man, are ya'll okay man?'

I got it from her 'ye damn!
The chain remians, the gang is in tact
The name is mine, I'll take blame for that
The pressure's on, but guess who ain't gon' crack?
Pardon me I had to laugh at that
How could you falter when you're the rock of gibralter
I had to get of the boat so I could walk on water
This ain't no tour order, this is nothin to me
Difficult takes a day, impossible takes a week
I do this in my sleep,
I sold Kilos of coke, (so?) I'm guessin' I can sell CD's
I'm not a buisness man I'm a buisness, man
Let me handle my buisness, damn!
Kanyeez you got me, Freeway and Foxy
YG', Teairra Mari, Petey watch me
Bleek could be one hit away his whole career
As long as I'm alive, he's a millionaire
And even if I die, he's in my will somewhere
So he can just kick back and chill somewhere, oh yeah
He don't even have to write rhymes
The Dynasty like my money last three lifetimes
Shirley Bassey was in the rear sayin exactly
What I was sayin practically me whole carreer
The diamond is forever, I been mindin' this forever
Now the Louis Vuitton Don's timin' couldn't be better
People lined up to see the Titanic sinkin'
Instead we rose from the ash like a phoenix
If you waitin' for the end, the dynasty signed
And what seemed like forever is a mighty long time
I'm young bitches [laughs]

By Kanye West.

Hadis riwayat al bhukari.

Apabila tiba bulan ramadhan ,pintu - pintu syurga akan dibuka..

Saturday, October 15, 2005

You're Beautiful

My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw you face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
F**king high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw you face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.

By James Blunt.

The sound of music

"climb every mountain, forge every stream, search every rainbow, until you find your dream"

Goodbye My Lover

Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.

So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.

You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.

I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.

I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.

I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

By James Blunt.

My best buddies..every single penny..doll!

We Are The Champions

I've paid my dues -
Time after time -
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime -
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face -
But I've come through

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls -
You brought me fame and fortuen and everything that goes with it
I thank you all -

But it's been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise -
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race -
And I ain't gonna lose -

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

By Queen

Simply The Best

I call you when I need you, my heart's on fire
You come to me, come to me wild and wired

When you come to me
Give me everything I need
Give me a lifetime of promises and a world of dreams
Speak the language of love like you know what it means
ohh, it can't be wrong
Take my heart and make it stronger baby

You're simply the best, better than all the rest
Better than anyone, anyone I've ever met
I'm stuck on your heart, I hang on every word you say
Tear us apart, baby I would rather be dead

In your heart I see the stars of every night and every day
In your eyes I get lost, I get washed away
Just as long as I'm here in your arms
I could be in no better place

You're simply the best, better than all the rest
Better than anyone, anyone I've ever met
I'm stuck on your heart, and hang on every word you say
Tear us apart, baby I would rather be dead

Each time you leave me I start losing control
You're walking away with my heart and my soul
I can feel you even when I'm alone
Oh baby, don't let go

You're the best, better than all the rest
Better than anyone, anyone I've ever met
I'm stuck on your heart, and hang on every word you say
Tear us apart, baby I would rather be dead

Oh, You're the best...

By Tina Turner

Friday, October 14, 2005

Bukan Cinta Biasa

Begitu banyak cerita
Ada suka ada duka
Cinta yang inginku tulis
Bukanlah cinta biasa

Dua keyakinan beza
Masalah pun tak sama
Ku tak ingin dia ragu
Mengapa mereka selalu bertanya

Cintaku bukan diatas kertas
Cintaku getaran yang sama
Tak perlu dipaksa
Tak perlu dicari

Kerna kuyakin ada jawabnya oh...
Andai ku bisa merubah semua
Hingga tiada orang terluka
Tapi tak mungkin
Ku tak berdaya
Hanya yakin menunggu jawapnya

Janji terikat setia
Masa merubah segala
Mungkin dia kan berlalu
Ku tak mahu mereka tertawa

Diriku hanya insan biasa
Miliki naluri yang sama
Tak ingin berpaling
Tak ingin berganti
Jiwa ku sering saja berkata

Andai ku mampu ulang semula
Ku pasti tiada yang curiga
Kasih kan hadir tiada terduga
Hanya yakin menunggu jawapan

By Siti Nurhaliza.

I Wish You Knew

just wish you knew
How much I'm still in love with you

I've got to see you
Wherever you are
And I've got to be there
I'm wishing on stars
I've got to reveal what's inside of my heart
But the words escape me
And I'm paralyzed
So helpless when I
Look into your eyes

And how I wish you only knew
What I feel inside for you
You probably haven't got a clue
But I wish you knew
How I love you, baby

Honestly, I know it's silly of me
To want you so badly
But keep it concealed
See my inferiority complex kicks in
And the words escape me
And I'm paralyzed
So helpless when I
Look into your eyes

And how I wish you only knew
What I feel inside for you
You probably haven't got a clue
But I wish you knew
How I love you, baby

I don't if anybody outside there tonight
Who knows what it feels like
To want somebody so bad
That nothing and nobody
Can ever seem to fill out that void
That is the situation that I'm talking about right now
And if you feel me
Sing the song with me
Come on

And how I wish you only knew
What I feel inside for you
You probably haven't got a clue
But I wish you knew
How I love you, baby

By Mariah Carey

Keabadian Cinta

Selembut bicara
Sehalus sentuhanmu
Layangan pesonamu

Tak mungkin ku lupa
Jelingan pertama
Nan indah penuh makna

Akan kusahut cintamu itu
Bersama kita menuju bahagia

Takkan lagiku sendiri
Kasih yang berlabuh kini
Terasa keabadian cinta kau beri
Mungkinkah daku bermimpi
Sebahagia begini
Ini bukan (nya) ilusi
Oh kasih

Seindah irama
Gemersik suaramu
Mengalun sepiku yang merindu

Akan kusahut cintamu itu
Bersama kita menuju bahagia

Tuhan merestui
Bahagia begini
Kasihmu nan suci

By Anuar Zain


Dear readers, I juz received this Email from frenz stories in malay word..

Segala perancangan dilangit dan dibumi adalah di dalam genggaman ALLAH SWT.
Maka bersedialah kita bertakarrub dan sentiasa mendekatikan diri kita
kepada Allah, lebih-lebih lagi di bulan Ramadhan yang amat mulia ini.

Saya berpesan kepada diri saya dan keluarga serta sahabat-sahabat sekelian,
jauhkanlah diri dan hati kita daripada sifat sombong, bongkak, pra sangka
buruk kepada sahabat, tidak menghargai pandangan orang lain, dengki dan
sifat-sifat mazmumah yang lain. Penuhi amal kita dengan sifat-sifat


Untuk makluman semua, saya telah dihubungi oleh Ustaz Hanafiah Ab Razak,
Pegawai Mufti, Jabatan Mufti Johor pada 10 Okt 2005 jam 10.05 pagi ini dan
menyampaikan mesej Gerhana Bulan akan berlaku pada tarikh dan masa seperti




Beliau meminta saya menyampaikan mesej ini kepada semua anggota supaya
membuat persediaan awal berhubung gerhana bulan tersebut. Di antara
persediaan awal ialah menyeru kepada seluruh umat Islam mengerjakan Solat
Gerhana Bulan pada malam tersebut serta diikuti dengan Khutbah Gerhana.

Mesej "sompek" yang difokuskan oleh beliau, tidak dapat digambarkan, hanya
Allah yang mengetahui. Maka beliau mengingatkan kepada kita, "sesungguhnya
berhati-hati dalam segala amalan kita dan ikhlaskan diri dalam beribadat
serta taatilah sepenuhnya suruhan Allah dan jauhi laranganNya".

Sehubungan dengan itu, kejarlah masa tersebut di mana-mana surau atau
masjid untuk bersama-sama mengerjakan solat gerhana bulan sebelum Solat
terawih dimulakan. Insyaalah, saya di Surau Al-Taufiqiyah Taman Mewah Kulai
akan mengerjakan solat tersebut berserta Khutbah Gerhana. Kepada semua
sahabat-sahabat yang berkelapangan masa, dialu-alukan bersama-sama di
majlis tersebut.

Sekian, Wabillahi Hidayah Wal Taufiq Wassalam WBT.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I Believe

shattered dreams worthless years
here am i encased inside a hollow shell
life began then was done
now i stare into a cold and empty well
the many sounds that meet our ears the sights our eyes behold
will open up our melting hearts and feed our empty souls

i believe when i fall in love with you
it will be forever
i believe when i fall in love this time
it will be forever

without despair we will care
and the joys of caring will not be replaced
what has been must never end
and with the strength we have wont be erased
when the truths of love are planted firm they wont be hard to find
and the words of love i speak to you will echo in my mind

i believe when i fall in love with you
it will be forever
i believe when i fall in love this time
it will be forever

i believe when i fall in love with you
it will be forever
i believe when i fall in love this time
it will be forever

{the following are repeated simultaneously...... in layers
im so glad that i found someone to believe in again
im so glad that i found someone to believe in again

god answered my prayers
god answered my prayers
god answered my prayers
god answered my prayers

god always will answer your prayers
god always will answer your prayers

believe in god he will answer your prayers
thank you god

cmon lets fall in love
youre the woman i been dreamin of
cmon lets fall in love
youre the girl that i really adore

dont you wanna dont you wanna dont you wanna
fall in love
dont you wanna dont you wanna dont you wanna
fall in love

By Stevie Wonder

Tears And Rain

How I wish I could surrender my soul;
Shed the clothes that become my skin;
See the liar that burns within my needing.
How I wish I'd chosen darkness from cold.
How I wish I had screamed out loud,
Instead I've found no meaning.

I guess it's time I run far, far away; find comfort in pain,
All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble.
Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.
I've heard what they say, but I'm not here for trouble.
It's more than just words: it's just tears and rain.

How I wish I could walk through the doors of my mind;
Hold memory close at hand,
Help me understand the years.
How I wish I could choose between Heaven and Hell.
How I wish I would save my soul.
I'm so cold from fear.

I guess it's time I run far, far away; find comfort in pain,
All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble.
Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.
I've heard what they say, but I'm not here for trouble.
Far, far away; find comfort in pain.
All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble.
It's more than just words: it's just tears and rain.

By James Blunt.

Lawrence Walter Ng

I'm a loveble & capable....

Monday, October 10, 2005

My Heart Will Go On

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you,
That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're one

Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

There is some love that will not go away

You're here, there's nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

By Celine Dion

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Where Is The Love ?

What's wrong with the world mama?
People living like aint got no mamas

I think the whole worlds addicted to the drama
Only attracted to the things that bring you trauma
Overseas yeah we tryin to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin

In the USA the big CIA the Bloodz and the Crips and the KKK
But if you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate

And if you hatin you're bound to get irate
Yeah madness is what you demonstrate

And that's exactly how anger works and operates
You gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love y'all

People killing people dying
Children hurtin you hear them crying
Can you practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?

Father Father Father help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me got me questioning
Where is the love?(where is the lovex3)(the love2x)

It just ain't the same all ways have changed
New days are strange is the world the insane?
If love and peace so strong

Why are there pieces of love that don't belong
Nations dropping bombs

Chemical gases filling lungs of little ones
With ongoing suffering
As the youth die young

So ask yourself is the loving really strong?
So I can ask myself really what is going wrong
With this world that we living in

People keep on giving in
Makin wrong decisions
Only visions of them livin and
Not respecting each other

Deny thy brother
The wars' going on but the reasons' undercover
The truth is kept secret
Swept under the rug
If you never know truth
Then you never know love

Where's the love y'all?(I don't know)
Where's the truth y'all?(I don't know)
Where's the love y'all?

People killing people dying
Children hurtin you hear them crying
Can practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?

Father father father help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me got me questioning
Where is the love?(where is the lovex3)(the lovex2)

I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
As I'm getting older y'all people get colder
Most of us only care about money makin

Selfishness got us followin the wrong direction
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria

Infecting their young minds faster than bacteria
Kids wanna act like what the see in the cinema
Whatever happened to the values of humanity

Whatever happened to the fairness and equality
Instead of spreading love, we're spreading anomosity
Lack of understanding, leading us away from unity

That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling under
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling down
It's no wonder why sometimes I'm feeling under
I gotta keep my faith alive, until love is found

People killing people dying
Children hurtin you hear them crying
Can you practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?

Father Father Father help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me got me questioning
Where is the love?(fade)

By Black Eyed Peas

Time Love And Tenderness.

So you say that you can't go on
Love left you cryin'
And you say all your hope is gone
And what's the use in tryin'
What you need is to have some faith
Shake off those sad blues
Get yourself a new view

Oh, nothing is a sad as it seems, you know
'Cause someday you'll laugh at the heartache
Someday, you'll laugh at the pain
Somehow you'll get through the heartache
Somehow you can get through the rain

When love puts you through the fire
When love puts you through the test
Nothing cures a broken heart
Like time, love and tenderness
When you think your world is over
Baby just remember this
Nothing heals a broken heart
Like time, love and tenderness
Time, love and tenderness

I understand how you're feeling now
And what you've been through
But your world's gonna turn around
So baby don't you be blue
All it takes is a little time
To make it better
The hurt won't last forever

Oh, all the tears are gonna dry you know
'Cause someday you'll laugh at the heartache
Someday you'll laugh at the pain
You may be down on your luck
But baby that old lucks gonna change

Baby, oh baby you just need some
You just need some
Time, love and tenderness

Time, love and tenderness
The hurt ain't gonna last forever
Time, love and tenderness
Time, love and tenderness

By Michael Bolton.

When You Say Nothing At All..

It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark
Try as I may I can never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing

The smile on your face let's me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me where-ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

All day long I can hear people talking out aloud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd
Try as they may they can never define
What's being said between your heart and mine

By Notting Hill soundtrack

"Gadis Melayu"

Siapa bilang gadis melayu tak menawan
Tak menarik hati, tiada memikat
Kalaulah memang tak mungkin aku tertarik
Kalaulah sungguh tak mungkin aku kan jatuh

Siapa bilang gadis melayu tak menawan
Tak menarik hati, tiada memikat
Kalaulah memang tak mungkin aku tertarik
Kalaulah sungguh tak mungkin aku kan jatuh

Aduhai... lemah lembut gayanya
Serta manis senyumnya
Hitam pekat rambutnya
Ayuh ambil si dia

Di antara gadis gadis seluruh dunia
Tiada yang sehalus mulus oh setulus dia
Di antara gadis gadis seluruh dunia
Tiada yang sehalus mulus oh setulus dia
Budi bahasanya, pandangan matanya
Sentuhan jiwanya membuatku terlena

Siapa bilang gadis melayu tak menawan
Tak menarik hati, tiada memikat
Kalaulah memang tak mungkin aku tertarik
Kalaulah sungguh tak mungkin aku kan jatuh

Di antara gadis gadis seluruh dunia
Tiada yang sehalus mulus oh setulus dia
Di antara gadis gadis seluruh dunia
Tiada yang sehalus mulus oh setulus dia
Budi bahasanya, pandangan matanya
Sentuhan jiwanya membuatku terlena

Siapa bilang gadis melayu tak menawan
Tak menarik hati, tiada memikat
Kalaulah memang tak mungkin aku tertarik
Kalaulah sungguh tak mungkin aku kan jatuh

By Jamal Abdillah.

Beverly Hills

where I come from isn't all that great
my automobile is a piece of crap
my fashion sense is a little wack
and my friends are just as screwy as me
I didn't go to boarding schools
preppie girls never looked at me

why should they?
I ain't nobody
got nothin' in my pocket

beverly hills
that's where I wanna be
gimme gimme, gimme gimme

living in beverly hills
beverly hills
rollin' like a celebrity
gimme gimme, gimme gimme

living in beverly hills

look at all those movie stars
they're all so beautiful and clean
when their housemaids scrub the floors
they get the spaces in between
I wanna live a life like that
I wanna be just like a king
take my picture by the pool
cuz I'm the next big thing

beverly hills
that's where I wanna be
gimme gimme, gimme gimme

living in beverly hills
beverly hills
rollin' like a celebrity
gimme gimme, gimme gimme

living in beverly hills

the truth is I don't stand a chance
it's somethin' that you're born into
and I just dont belong
no I don't
I'm just a no class beat down fool
and I will always be that way
I might as well enjoy my life
and watch the stars play

beverly hills
that's where I wanna be
gimme gimme, gimme gimme

living in beverly hills
beverly hills
rollin' like a celebrity
gimme gimme, gimme gimme

living in beverly hills

By Weezer

Peter Koestenhaum.

The best leaders operate in four dimentions:
vision,reality,ethics,& courage.

These are the four forms of perceiving,
the languages for communicating that required to achive
meaningful,sustained results.

The visionary leader thinks big ,think new ,
think ahead-and most important ,
is in touch with the deep structure of human
consciousness and creative potential.

You must gain control over patterns that govern your mind:
your worldview,your beliefs about what your deserve and
about what's possible.

That's the zone of fundamental change,strength,
and energy-and the true meaning of courage.3.

Management philosopher.

George Washinton.

Labour to keep alive ...that little spark
of celestial fire,conscience.9.

Susana Wesley.

Whatever weakens your reason,
impairs the tenderness of your conscience ,obscure,
your sense of god, take off ,
your relish for spiritual things,
whatever increases the authority of body over mind ,
that thing is sin to you,
however innocent it may seem in itself.2.

(John Welley's mother )

Phillip Massinger.

He that would govern other first should
be master of himself.1.

Lucius Amaeus Seneca.

Most powerful is he who has
himself in his power.

George H.Lorimer .

Back of every noble life there are principles
that have fashioned it.14.

Dr.Jonas Salk.

Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.

Discoverer of the polio vaccine.

Frances Hutcheson.

Wisdom denotes the pursuing of the best ends
by the best means.10.

Arthur w.Jones.

All organizations are prefectly aligned
to get the results they get.

Edward De Bono.M.D.

Creative thinking involves breaking out of established
pattern in order to look at thinks in diferrent ways.

Author of lateral thinking.

Sir Robert Peel.

The basic mission of the police to prevent crime & disorder.
The public are the police & the police are the public & both
share the same responsibility for community safety.

Founder of modern policing.

Nelson Mandela.

As first , as a student , I wanted freedom only for myself,
the transitory freedoms of being able to say out at night ,
read what I pleased & go where I choose.

Later as a young man in johannesburg.
I yearned for the honourable freedoms of achieving my potential ,
of earning my keep , of marrying & having family - the freedom not
to be obstructed in lawful life.

But I then slowly saw that not only was not free ,
but my brothers & sisters were not free...that is when
the hunger for my own freedom became the greater
hunger for the freedom of my people.

It was this desire for the freedom of my people to
live their lives with the dignity & self-respect that animated my life ,
that transformed young man into a bold one , that drove a law - abiding
attorney to become a criminal, that turn a family
- loving husband man without a home...

I am no more virtuous or self - sacrificing than the next man
but I found not even enjoy the poor & limited freedoms
I was allowed when I knew my people not free.3.

Ambrose Redmoon .

Courage is not the absense of fear,but rather the judgement
that something else more then fear.

Friday, October 07, 2005


Gadis idamanku
Hanya engkau yang satu
Hadir lah dalam mimpi mimpiku
Biar seribu biar ramai menganggu
Pada ku engkau lah Ratu

Sejak mula bertemu
Kau buat siangku sedingin salju
Dan malam jadi hangat
Sehangat cintamu...

Kau gadis idamanku
Dua hati jadi satu
Bila kita bertemu oh Rozana

Kau gadis idamanku
Bila kan sampainya waktu
Kasih kita bertemu dalam cinta

Gadis idamanku
Dua hati jadi satu
Bila kita bertemu oh Rozana

Kau lah gadis idamanku
Bila kan sampainya waktu
Pasti kita bertemu dalam cinta

Gadis idamanku
Hanya engkau yang satu
Hadir lah dalam mimpi mimpiku

By Search Amy

My Hugs..doll...

Lets join the club..hmm...

Time is gold ..doll..

Right now I found interesting is ...

Living On A Prayer

Once upon a time not so long ago:
Tommy used to work on the docks
union's been on strike

He's down on his luck - It's tough
so tough.
Gina works the diner all day
working for her man

She brings home her pay for love
for love.

She says: We've got to hold on to what we've got
'Cause it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not.
We've got each other and that's a lot for love -
We'll give it a shot.

We're half way there - Livin' on a prayer

Take my hand and we'll make it
I swear - livin' on a prayer.

Tommy got his six string in hock.
Now he's holding in what he used to make it talk -
So tough
it's tough.
Gina dreams of running away
when she cries in the night
Tommy whispers: Baby
it's okay

We've got to hold on to what we've got . . .
We're half way there - Livin' on a prayer
. . .

We've got to hold on ready or not

You live for the fight when it's all that you've got.

We're half way there - Livin' on a prayer
. . .
We're half way there - Livin' on a prayer
. . .
We're half way there - Livin' on a prayer

By Jon Bon Jovi

While You Were Sleeping

While you were sleeping,
I sat by your bed.
I watched you
as you smiled through your dreams.

I traced your perfect shell ear,
Touched every curl
On your little head.

I tried to sleep
But the sound of your breathing
Drew me back to your room.

I couldn't resist
The magic which tugged
At my heartstrings
And brought me to your side.

I settled on the floor
Once again.
Back against the wall,
Holding your tiny hand in mine.

While you were sleeping
I fell in love with you all over again.

by Tara Simms.

Be fair & Square...Doll...


keep scoring high...doll...

Selamat Datang Bulan Ramadhan..........

Do'a Malaikat Jibril adalah sbb:

" Ya Allah tolong abaikan puasa ummat Muhammad,
apabila sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan dia tidak melakukan hal-hal yang

Tidak memohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada kedua orang tuanya (jika masih

Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu antara suami istri;

Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu dengan orang-orang sekitarnya "

Maka Rasulullahpun mengatakan amiin sebanyak 3 kali.
Dapat kita bayangkan, yang berdo'a adalah Malaikat dan yang meng-amiinkan
adalah Rasullullah
dan para sahabat, dan dilakukan pada hari Jum'at.

Tanpa disadari

11 bulan
banyak kata yang sudah diucapkan dan dilontarkan
tak semua menyejukkan,

11 bulan
banyak perilaku yang sudah dibuat dan diciptakan
tak semua menyenangkan,

11 bulan
banyak keluhan, kebencian, kebohongan
menjadi bagian dari diri,

saatnya istirahat dalam "perjalanan dunia"
saatnya membersihkan jiwa yang berjelaga,
saatnya menikmati indahnya kemurahanNya
saatnya memahami makna pensucian diri

Selamat menunaikan Ibadah Puasa
bersama kita leburkan kekhilafan,
Mohon maaf jika pelakuan/perkataan menyentuh perasaan

Semoga dengan puasa mempertemukan kita
dengan Keagungan Lailatul Qadar
dan kita semua menjadi pilihanNya
untuk dikabulkan do'a - do'a
dan kembali menjadi fitrah



Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Kerna Dia

Yang rupawan tiada bandingan
Masyhur namanya di bibir yang bestari
Ingin kukenali
Dan ingin ku mengerti

Apa yang perlu
Agar ku dapat bersatu
Setelah kian lama
Terbiar jiwa lara

Yang hilang tercari-cari
Sang puteri semakin kenal dia
Semakin mendalam rasa
Semakin yakin dia
Luruhlah segalanya

Kerana dia kugembira
Kerana dia kubahagia
Kerna dia bermakna
Semuanya hanyalah kerana dia

Kerana dia kumabuk rindu
Kerana dia tercabar fitrahku
Kerna dia sebenarnya
Semuanya hanyalah kerana dia

By Yasin

Blue Wheel..

Mimpi Laila

Kisah yang luka
Mimpi gembira
Raja Nasyrij yang pemurah
Laila yang setia
Cintanya fana
Sang hujan mengundang nestapa

Jangan Ya Laila
Jangan terpedaya
Apa yang kau lihat semuanya dusta
Dusta yang fana pada Ya Laila
Cinta yang fana tiada pengubat
Jiwa mu yang lara

Berduka lara bergaul ceria
Hidup di alam mimpi mu Laila
Laila yang berduka akhirnya terlupa
Hanyut dalam khayalan mimpi indah

Isma' ya Laila
Isbir ya Laila
Sarabin bikiatin thasibin maa

By Yasin.

Semangat Yang Hilang

Jika engkau seorang
Juang hingga titisan
Rempuh tak berharapan

Nanti aku disana
Di ufuk pemikiran
Lalu menghayatinya

Di dalam kubur mana pun
Jasad aku ditanam
Aku akulah jua

Kita laksanakan
Mata hati yang damai
Di sana kejujuran

Semarak impian
Segunung harap dipulang

Usahlah diragukan keupayaan diri (sendiri)
Hati yang membara mengikutkan kata apa (kata)

Jawapannya di sini
Semangat kita hilang

Semangat yang hilang
Oh kita cari pulang

Malu bertanya kawan
Sesat cari jalan pulang

Biar ia berkesan
Di lubuk hati terbenam


Paint My Love

From my youngest years
Till this moment here
I’ve never seen
Such a lovely queen

From the skies above
To the deepest love
I’ve never felt
Crazy like this before

Paint my love
You should paint my love
It’s the picture of a thousand sunsets
It’s the freedom of a thousand doves
Baby you should paint my love

Been around the world
Then I met you girl
It’s like comming home
To a place I’ve known

Paint my love
You should paint my love
It’s the picture of a thousand sunsets
It’s the freedom of a thousand doves
Baby you should paint my love

Since you came into my life
The days before all fade to black and white
Since you came into my life
Everything has changed

By Michael Learns To Rock

Im hit the soccer ball...GOAL!!!!!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Falsafah Cinta

Bila hadir kasih sayang
Tanda cinta sudah berakar
Terkadang pudar hidup ku
Terkadang semangat gelora

Rasa cinta kepada keindahan
Yang ada yang tetap pada kejadian
Berdiri di atas kehendak keamanan

Cinta menciptakan rindu
Duka membuat kita sembuh
Semangat terbakar hangus
Itu mesti terus

Kerana cinta dunia pun berperang
Itu cinta sesat di perjalanan
Demi cinta kita terlupa dunia

Marilah kita bersama terus bercinta
Menjadi cermin untuk manusia
Hentikan tangisan rindukan ketenangan
Cinta ini penuh keindahan
Kasih dan sayang....

Nanana nananana nana nana nana....
Cinta ini penuh.... keindahan.. ooo..

By Slam..

My Wealth is My Freedom

What is thy gold and gilt-edged rage, material world?
Under the ground they form a line;

Defy darkness - crawl like a worm...
The dazzling light, the dirty rain lost in their time...

What do they ride but the serpent of their own race?

What is thy world driven by greed and breathlessness?
On the platform a thousand souls
Gaze at the rails...

Glittering eyes at dawn and dusk lay motionless;
In the chaos, home is afar - late are the trains!

Of this lone world I broke my chains to fly away;
Uncaged my soul from the tunnels
Of tar and smoke...

The sky is blue, the light is bright - I've found my way...
Freedom is wealth, no longer prey, I am the hawk!

Of all your tricks my heart once kept a bitter taste -
Up in my world, where Gannets glide

I am master;
This pot of gold - my freedom fears no disaster,
Priceless feeling flows in my mind, forgetting haste...

...A free spirit above THAT world, I spread my wings!
My stock exchange dreams in the clouds; the rain can't freeze

...What is money - poisonous pleasure that it brings?
But the sadness of all its slaves rooted like trees.

...Give them the moon to light their dreams.
Don't stare at me,

I'm not greedy!

By Nat Hall.

Freedom's Cry...

A little girl inside of me
That longs to dance and to be free
Yet I’m imprisoned, gagged and bound
Forced to exist without a sound

Dressed in long robes from head to toe
Nothing more but my eyes to show
The burdens I bear are too heavy for me
I have little hope, lots of shame, no money

My existence it seems is but a mistake
For my very identity other men take
A broken heart once filled with dreams
Relentlessly bleeds and rips at the seams

The life that I live I don’t want for my daughters
Can anyone lift me from these ravaging waters?
Someone please help me break free from this jail
I’ve brought harm to no one, would YOU please pay my bail?

The "home of the brave and the land of the free?"
What does this mean?! I beg You to show me
I squint towards the future for a glimmer of hope
For now what awaits me is a noose on a rope

A little girl inside of me
That longs to dance and to be free…

By Yolie.

Dan Millman.

Money is neither my god nor my devil.
It is a form of energy that tends to make us
more of who we already are,
whether it's greedy
or loving.

Dwight D.Eisenhower.

The history of free man is never written
by change but by choice-their choice.3

Proverb 20:27

The spirit of man is the candle of lord.10

Who am I ? I'm a habit ...

I am your constant companion .
I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.
I am completely at your command.Half the things that
you do might just as well turn over to me,

and I will be able to do it quickly,correctly.
I am easy to managed - you must merely be
firm with me.

Show me exactly how you want something done,
and after a few lessons I will do it automaticlly.
I am the servant of all great people;and alas,
of all failures as well.

Those who failures,I have made failures.
I am not amachine,though I work with all
the precision of a machine plus the
intelligence of human being.

You may run me for profit or turn me for ruin-it
makes the difference to me.

Take me,train me,be firm with me ,
and I will place the world at your feet.

be easy with me and I will destroy you.

By Anonymous.

Edmund Burke.

All that is necessary for the truimph of
evil is that good men do nothing.3

C.S. Lewis

A man who gives in to temptation after
live minute simply does not know what
it would have been like and hour later.
That is why bad people in a sense,
know very little about badness.
they have live a sheltered
life by always giving in .2


Bumi yang tiada rimba
Seumpama hamba
Dia dicemar manusia
Yang jahil ketawa

Bumi yang tiada udara
Bagai tiada nyawa
Pasti hilang suatu hari
Tanpa disedari

Bumi tanpa lautan
Akan kehausan
Pasti lambat laun hilang
Duniaku yang malang

Dewasa ini kita saling merayakan
Kejayaan yang akhirnya membinasakan
Apalah gunanya kematangan fikiran
Bila di jiwa kita masih lagi muda
Dan mentah
Ku lihat hijau

Bumiku yang kian pudar
Siapa yang melihat
Di kala kita tersedar
Mungkinkah terlewat

Korupsi,opresi,obsesi diri
Polusi,depressi,di bumi,kini

tokleh meghaso mandi laok
Besaing,maing ghama-ghama
Ale lo ni tuo umurnyo bejuto
Kito usoho

Jauhke dari malapetako
Ozon lo ni koho nipih nak nak aghi
Keno make asak

Hok biso wei,pasa maknusio
Seghemo bendo-bendo di dunio
Tokleh tehe

Sapa bilo-bilo

By Zainal Abidin

Dag Hammarkskjold.

When the morning 's freshness
has been replaced by the the strain,
the endless,and suddenly,nothing will go
quite as you wish-it is them that
you must not hesistate.6


Manis mulut di bibir
Sangatlah merbahaya
Sama-sama yang menyindir

Janganlah terpedaya
Oleh kata-katanya
Lemah lembut bicara

Bukalah matamu percayalah kataku
Janganlah lalai dibiarkannya

Kau, kau ke hadapan
Setelah segalanya
Dikau tinggalkan
Tinggalkan yang mula
Senyum dan ketawa
Senantiasa oh oh oh

Kau manis semula
Setelah segalanya
Dikau lupakan
Tiada gunanya
Ia dikenang-kenangkan
Mengapa oh oh oh oh

Manis mulut di bibir
Harus manis di hati
Hinggalah ke akhir
Akhir pasti

Bukalah matamu
Percayalah kataku
Janganlah lalai dibiarkannya

Kau manis semula
Setelah segalanya
Dikau lupakan
Tiada gunanya
Ia dikenang-kenangkan
Mengapa oh oh oh oh

Kau, kau yang di sana
Senyumlah selalu manis selalu
Tinggalkan yang mula
Senyum dan ketawa

Kau manis semula
Setelah segalanya
Dikau lupakan
Tiada gunanya
Ia dikenang-kenangkan
Mengapa oh oh oh oh

By Zainal Abidin

C.S. Lewis

When a man getting better he understands more
and more clearly the evil that is still left in him.

When a man is getting worse,
he understands his own badness less
ansd less.A moderately he is right.

This is common sense,really.
You understand sleep when you are awake,
not while you are sleeping.

You can see mistakes in arithmetic
when your mind is working properly;
while you are making them you cannot see them.

Good people know about bad and evil;
bad people do not know about either.5

One Night Stand

Let me tell you.....

Jenny's getting her stuff in my room
Puts on her skirt and she's looking good
Six AM and she's leaving soon
Says what a crazy night I had
A real good time

But her kiss tells me it's goodbye
Just like nothing happened last night
But if I had one chance
I'd do it all over again

One night stand I don't think she's coming back for more
She was only looking for a one night stand
I don't think she's coming back for more
No no

Now I'm left up in my lonely room
She left her underwear and her perfume
I never thought that it could be this good
And I still feel a little on my fingertips
I'm trying hard not to feel rejected
Maybe the phone line's disconnected
But if I had one chance
I'd do it all over again
I know it

One night stand I don't think she's coming back for more
She was only looking for a one night stand
I don't think she's coming back for more
She was only looking
One night stand but I'd do it all again for sure
Oh yeah

Baby like a blind man I rushed in
Now do I have the right to ask you,
Will you be coming back again?
One night stand I don't think she's coming back
One night stand I don't think she's coming back
One night stand I don't think she's coming back

One night stand I don't think she's coming back for more
She was only looking
One night stand I don't think she's coming back for more
She was only looking for a one night stand
I don't think she's coming back for more
She was only looking for a one night stand
I don't think she's coming back for more
She was only looking
One night stand but I'd do it all again for sure

I guess it was a one night stand
One night stand
I guess it was a one night stand
One night stand
I guess it was a one night stand
One night stand
I guess it was a one night stand
One night stand
I know it, yeah

By Enrique Iglesias

Malcom Muggerridge.

When I look back on my life nowdays,with I sometimes do,
what strikes me most forcibly about it is that
what seemed at the time significant and seductive,
seems now most futile and absurb.

For instance ,success in all its various guises;
being known and being praised;ostensible pleasure,
like acquiring money or seducing women,

or traveling,going to and fro in the world and up
down in it like satan,explaining and experiencing
whatever Vanity Fair has offer.

In retrospect,all these exercises in self-gratification
seem like pure fantasy,what Pascal called,

" licking the earth " 7

Wonderful Tonight...

It's late in the evening;
she's wondering what clothes to wear.

She puts on her make-up and brushes her long blonde hair.

And then she asks me, "Do I look all right?"
And I say, "Yes, you look wonderful tonight."

We go to a party and everyone turns to see
This beautiful lady that's walking around with me.

And then she asks me, "Do you feel all right?"
And I say, "Yes, I feel wonderful tonight."

I feel wonderful because I see
The love light in your eyes.

And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don't realize how much I love you.

It's time to go home now and I've got an aching head,
So I give her the car keys and she helps me to bed
And then I tell her, as I turn out the light,
I say, "My darling, you were wonderful tonight.
Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight."

By Eric Clapton

William Bloom.

In the moments of powerful beauty,
emotions move that can melt even the thickest
and most cynical of skins.

Endorphins flow.there is a realese of tension.External,
flow and connect.

The experience is not only soft and calm,
but it also contains the power and creativity of nature
and the Universe.

To create and work consciously with these
moments of connection is to exercise what we might call our
spiritual muscles and our spiritual intelligence.

What do I mean by spiritual ?

I simply mean that the whole reality and dimension which is
bigger,more create,more loving,more powerful,more visionary,
more wise,more mysterious-than materialistic daily human

There is no theology or belief system that relates to
this meaning of spiritual.12

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Everything i do..i do it for you

Look into my eyes you will see
What you mean to me

Search your heart search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true

Everything I do I do it for you

Look into my heart you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am take my life

I would give it all I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it there's nothin' I want more
Ya know it's true

Everything I do - I do it for you

There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - Ya I'd die for you

Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

By Bryan Adams